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a piece for everyone

hey, i'm ali!

thanks for stopping by! i'm so thankful you are here. because of YOU my small business dreams can come true!

i started the paisley rose boutique from a dream and with a passion for fashion and retail. the name, paisley rose, came about as i have always wanted to name my first daughter paisley rose. this store is like my first kid so i thought it was fitting!

i hope you fall in love with this store and find pieces that make you love yourself even more! please reach out if you have any questions, i would love to get to know you!


ali t <3

more about prb

today's outfit breakdown

running errands

get comfy all day! from groceries to gals' brunch, we've got you covered!

today's outfit breakdown

day date

dress it up but not too much - we love a cute and simple look

today's outfit breakdown

night on the town

hop around town trendy + cute

stay in touch